Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sociology as a Science Essay - 1149 Words

Sociology emerged in the eighteenth century after a period of intense cultural, social and economic changes. As people began to try to understand these changes, there came a period called the Enlightenment. This is also considered by Hamilton (1992) to be a â€Å"time characterised by the development of distinctively modern forms of thought about society and the realm of the social.† The Enlightenment encouraged a new way of thinking marked by application of reason, experience and experiment to the natural and social world. Sociologists approached the study of society and change by using scientific means as they were inspired by the recognition of the value of scientific principles and procedures.†¦show more content†¦They believe that sociology is a science as it is based on the principles advocated by the early scientists and shares common assumptions. Positivist strongly believe that only science can provide an objective truth or facts, and a good example of this i s Durkheim’s study of suicide, in which he proved that sociology can relate to scientific topics. The metanarrative of science which existed in the past, to a certain extent shows how it was used by early sociologists as a conceptual framework for their work, therefore adopting science as it was considered to offer more scope than religion. Auguste Comte is considered the founding figure of positivism, and was inspired by the need to make sense of the rapid social change brought about by the industrial, agricultural and political revolutions taking place across Europe. As they believe that human behaviour is determined by social constructions beyond their control such as laws and social facts, positivists claim these are a product of the way in which societies are organised. Therefore, they believe that sociology should be a scientific discipline based on logic and methods of the natural sciences. When positivist sociologists collect information and data from the social world , they usually do so with a hypothetico-deductive approach, which is considered aShow MoreRelatedIs Sociology a Science1655 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"The study of sociology cannot and should not be seen as scientific† To what extent do sociological arguments and evidence support this view? (33 marks) The debate about whether sociology can be represented as a science has existed for many years. Comte; who first used the word sociology argued that sociology should be based on the methodology of the natural sciences. 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