Sunday, December 29, 2019

Lgbt, Lesbian, Bisexual, And Queer Identified ( Lgbtq )...

The problem Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual transgender, and queer identified (LGBTQ) runaway and homeless youth are of the most vulnerable groups in this country. Homelessness, particularly among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, queer youth is an enduring example of a social problem in our society. The LGBTQ youth faces an increasing number of challenges. In disclosing their sexual orientation family conflict arises and plays a huge role in the issue of homelessness among the LGBTQ youth. They face forms of stigma and marginalization that position them as needing not only critical but immediate support from the community; however, communities are not aware of the real issue that these youth face day to day with their struggle in trying to survive on the streets. Homelessness in the United States is a growing issue among our youth, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services homeless and runaway youth is estimated to between 575,000 to 1.6 million (Ray, 2006). The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning (LGBTQ) your experience a higher percentage of homelessness in our society, representing 20% to 40 % of homeless youth across the country (Ray, 2006). This statistic is surprising high even that the LGBTQ youth only represent 10 % of the overall population (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2009). In the state of California, it is estimated that roughly 15 to 25 % of the homeless youth identify as being a member of the LGBTQ population (Milburn,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Religions of the World Essay - 673 Words

Religions of the World Since the creation of The Church of Jesus Christ of The Latter-Day Saints, there have been many controversies concerning the similarities and differences between Mormonism and Catholicism, Christianity and Protestantism. Other than the obvious, that Catholicism, Christianity and Protestantism believe that there are no more prophets, and Mormons believe that there are still prophets walking the earth today, differences between the faiths range in varying ways. The Churchs founder, Joseph Smith, was born a Protestant and put his beliefs into the foundations of Mormonism. Other than this, the faiths are very different. Mormonism differs from other faiths in several different†¦show more content†¦Another uniqueness that brings blessing and relief to many mormons is the idea that practically no one is forever damned to hell and that all people who have ever existed will share in heavenly glory within the 3 heavens that exist to mormons. The lowest heaven, The Telestial Kingdom , is where evil-doers, criminals and liars reside. Their sins have been forgiven and now live in the eternal presence of the Holy Ghost. The middle heaven, The Terrestrial Kingdom, is where good non-Mormons and Mormons who were not completely faithful to the church. They have the presence of Jesus Christ. Finally, the top heaven, The Celestial Kingdom, is reserved for completely devout Mormons. These people become gods and rulers of their own universes. Being at this level also allows men to keep their families with them. (Distinctive Beliefs of the Mormon Church) Another brief differences between Christianity and Mormonism are their beliefs in God, Jesus Christ, Salvation and marriage. Obviously, Christians believe that God has always been perfect and has always had the same amount of infinite power. Mormons however, believe that God is the SupremeShow MoreRelatedWorld Religion2226 Words   |  9 PagesReligion is a hard word to define. 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They

Friday, December 13, 2019

Gerschenkron Model Free Essays

ECONOMIC HISTORY Answers Reading I 1. In the case of England, the agricultural sector played a key role in industrialization. This is mainly because, the increase in productivity in the sector led to an increase in the workers income, and this increase made possible for them to save more. We will write a custom essay sample on Gerschenkron Model or any similar topic only for you Order Now The increase in savings led to an increase in investment in the industrial sector. When we are talking about a backward country, the process cannot be imitated. Backward countries had a traditional agriculture, and there was not an increase of productivity, so the agricultural sector could not finance the imports of capital needed. Also it was much easier to borrow money from institutions than being dependent of the agriculture. 2. Although Rostow thought that countries followed a stage-like pattern of development, Gerschenkron firmly disagreed with this assumption: Rostow implied that all countries repeat the same process of industrialization; this could be seen as a â€Å"inescapable law of economic development. The process of industrialization of the advance countries was not the same as of the backward countries. For example, England did not have any institution to finance its industrialization, in contrast to the late-comers, who had a whole international financing system built. This advantage of backwardness is what the Gerschenkron model is about. Each country had its own process of industrialization and it did not have to follow certain stages. 3. In order to industrialize, backward countries need to import large amounts of capital. The technology imported will come from the advance countries, and will help the relative backward countries to become advanced. The process of industrialization of these countries will take, in fact, much less time compared to the advanced countries, because the technology imported is far more efficient than those used in first place by the advanced countries when they were in the middle of the process. Since they have access to this new technology that the advanced countries did not have, these countries have an advantage for being backward economies. However, hese advantages do not come naturally to the country, but it is the government that needs to use the advantage in their favor in order to achieve a modern economy in less time. 4. a) Big Spurt: In the text Gerschenkron refers uses the term to describe the moment when the industrialization in a backward country begins, and there is a rapid economic growth. It is closely related to Rostow’s â€Å"take-off† but the big spurt focuses on the manufacturing and mining sector b) Missed opportunity: This term it is used to describe the failure of applying the proper substitutions in a given economy in order to obtain a big spurt. Like the case of Bulgaria when there was a failure to make the proper substitutions and there was not a big spurt. 5. The prerequisites for industrial growth are: a) Abolition of an archaic framework in agricultural organization: In order to increase the productivity of Land and of Labor, so there can be an increase of supply to face the increase of demand (due to the increase of population). This will increase the worker’s income, allowing them to save more, and therefore invest in the industry sector. b) Creation of a modern elite that seek economic growth: In Europe, the Noble class had no interest in changing their way of life (serfdom), so in order to access industrialization there is a need to create a group of influential entrepreneurs that seek a modern economy that is more productive and efficient. ) Provision of a social over-head capital in physical form: In the backward countries, there is a need of capital in order to industrialize. The government must seek this capital by borrowing it from financial institutions. Getting the capital by themselves was not an option, since there was not enough savings and it would have took much longer than just borrowing the capital. How to cite Gerschenkron Model, Essay examples